Wass Albert: Patkányok honfoglalása-Tanulságos mese magyaroknak (Magyar Világ) | |
Az ember háza ott állt a dombon és uralkodott. Uralkodott a kerten, fákon, bokrokon és veteményeken. Uralkodott a szántóföldeken, réteken és legelőkön, és uralkodott az erdőn is, amelyik a domb mögött kezdődött és felnyúlt egészen a hegyekig. A fák gyümölcsöt teremtek, a gyümölcsöt leszedte az ember, aki a házban élt, és eltette télire. Összegyűjtötte a veteményt és a pincébe rakta, hogy ne érhesse a fagy. A szántóföldekről begyűjtötte a gabonát, a rétekről a szénát és az erdőből a tüzelőfát. És mindent úgy helyezett el a házban, vagy a ház körül, ahogy az a legcélszerűbb volt. Tél kezdetén beterelte állatait a legelőről, meleg istállókban adott szállást nekik és gondoskodott róluk. Így élt az ember. | |
Albert Vass: Rats conquest instructive tale of Hungarians (Hungarian World)
The man's house stood on a hill and dominated. Reigned in the garden, trees, shrubs and veteményeken. Dominated fields, meadows and pastures, and dominated the forest, which reached up the hill and started up the mountain. The fruit trees will make, the fruits have cleared the man, who lived in the house, and put away for the winter. Collected the stuff and put them in the basement that can not be reached by the frost. The szántóföldekről collected the grain and the hay meadows and forests of firewood. And everything takes place in the house or around the house, as it was the best. Ushered in the beginning of winter pasture animals, stables, where a warm accommodation for them and cared about them. Thus, the man lived.
You must also know that the house chimney from spring to autumn storks standing, and nestled under the eaves of a fecskepár. You should know that smell of spring budding birch trees surrounded the house, and summer madárdal and many flowers.
The house has thick walls were high, and the man once they were white, whitewashed, except where it rose crept upon him. It flourished in the middle of a wild rose in June, and card in a wide-open window the scent collapsed into the rooms.
Thus, it lived in the house and the man, long time. In a gloomy winter day when the rain string hanging from the sky, somewhere in a gray rat received two little wet. Came from far away, I was cold and hungry they were. Saw the house, besurrantak left open the door and hid in the cellar. Found plenty of food, fed, and soon began to gain weight. Winter, their sons were in the spring again. The young rats who grew up there, I felt home in the house, and I ran to the basement, though it would have been theirs.
At first the man did not even see them. Later on, while noticing that something is eating the stuff, but it did not bother him. Was not enough. It was the one who is hungry. Once he saw a rat ran under the wall. What is and what little shy - he thought. Long live she so, if you want.
And time passed, and the rats increased. First feltúrták the cellar. Then the walls began to dig. Meandering, deep holes drilled into him, through and through, and here and there have also reached the rooms. The man shook his head in his room when he first saw the rat. And because I did not like the clutter: betömte and bemeszelte the opening. The next morning he was there again. The man stuffed three times in a row, and the rats on three consecutive drilled out again. Then the man waved his hand, and thought - they even have to live. and if they just so good, so be it. And from then on no longer stuffed into the holes. The rats and proliferated more rapidly and breed in holes in the walls of the house. Not only in the basement, but the Chamber, in the attic, and even the rooms besurrantak night and chewed all megrághatót. Suddenly, when the celebration began to chew on his boots, a man angry with his cane and odasújtott. One of the rat head was found, and the rat was dead. Röffentek mortally offended with that of rats. And immediately announced that the enemy is a man who does not let them live, restricting their freedom, their rights ignored, murderous, evil and selfish.
- We will not be slaves to read more! - Screamed the főpatkány a zsírosbödön top. - We demand our freedom and our rights. - And the rats have decided to begin the fight against the man. The man did not know anything about all this. Anger quickly forgotten in celebrating another pair of boots for himself, and ignored the more rats. Yet it has a lot of people were. Ate all the stuff in the basement of the Chamber all the flour and all the cheese, the bacon may have even started to chew, and they knew that the man most precious treasure, which also do not give your dog.
The man, when I noticed this, took the remaining bacon, tied to a pole, and wire rod hung in the rafters. It was then just really great indignation among the rats.
- Indecent, disgraceful! - Cried when I realized that it is not férkőzhetnek. - Élelmünket to kidnap, plunder, exploit! We will not tolerate it! - And föllázadtak. - We got the house - posted among themselves - it was ours forever, it is only tolerated in humans, while well-behaved! But now enough!
And one night when he slept, rárohantak man, összeharapták, run out of the house, far from Busted, and then proudly announced to the garden, trees, animals and birds - even the flowers - that the house is no longer emberország anymore but patkányország, justice and law. And he began to reign patkánymódra. Ate everything that was edible, and chewed everything, which was not edible, but their eyes were. Respectively in the cellar is empty, the chamber and the grain. Moved to the birds, the flowers have died, the house began to collapse, and blackened walls, trees and flowers smell smell was replaced. The stuff he died in the ground, because no one picked up. The fruit is ripe, fell, and rotten. The grain was aratatlan, washed by rain and the wind kicsépelte. And the winter came, and the rats had already eaten everything edible had chewed everything was chewed. The walls were full of holes, the tiles fell from the roof, windows and door openings during tátongtak kills. And then began to starve, because there was more of a grain of corn, and the cracks of doors, the walls odvain besüvített the wind damaged the roof behullott snow, and I could not help themselves.
First, they began to quarrel, Marta and killed each other, chewed and ate each other, but ultimately could not do nothing: fölkerekedtek and left the ruined empire.
The man is very much back in the spring again, the roof was restored, cleaned up the house, the walls were straightened, kimeszelte, felszántotta the land, raised and lowered, and when the summer came again madárdal flowers and surrounded the house. Autumn is full again in the cellar, the chamber and the grain, and when winter came, it was all already, as if nothing had happened.
However, it remained hidden in some rats in the walls, or in the cellar gödreiben. And when the man noticed that the re-start growing, long thought to what to do with them.
You can think on, and act accordingly!
Opposition, the 30's years.
(Do not let it go after 1919 sokadszor again
mentally and financially robbed
Hungarians, act accordingly!)