Az ember teremtése
26. És monda Isten: Teremtsünk embert
ami képünkre és hasonlatosságunkra; és
uralkodjék a tenger halain, az ég madarain,
a barmokon, mind az egész földön
és a földön csúszómászó mindenféle állatokon.
Gólyák, mivel magunk emésztjük el
A hulladékot is. Szép földeinkből
Vadászni berkeket csinálnak, a-
Hová nekünk belépni nem szabad.
S ha egy beteg feleség, vagy egy szegény
Himlős gyerek megkívánván, lesújtunk
Egy rossz galambfiat, tüstént kikötnek,
És aki száz meg százezert rabol,
Bírája lészen annak, akit a
Szükség garast rabolni kényszerített…
Hisz' a zsidók eleget fizetnek; a-
Kiket tulajdonképpen tán nem is
Lehetne embernyúzóknak nevezni,
Nyúzásra bőr kivántatik, holott
Azt a merániak magok lehúzták
Már csontjainkról; így tehát ezek
A húsba kénytelenek bemetszeni -
Igaz, hogy a metéltetett sikolt; de
Hisz' arra nem szükség hallgatni, csak
Haszon lehessen. - S a nagyasszony -?...
Dráma öt szakaszban
ami képünkre és hasonlatosságunkra; és
uralkodjék a tenger halain, az ég madarain,
a barmokon, mind az egész földön
és a földön csúszómászó mindenféle állatokon
Protected animals and protected people
The creation
The Mahdi
26. And God said, Let us make man
which image and likeness, and
rule the fish from the sea, the birds of heaven,
the cattle, over all the earth
creeping on the ground and all kinds of animals.
Well, this is the divine intention that man should live, if you want to keep God's commandments, and if you want to retain their own species.
The life of mankind on earth, over a long period, was conducted under the guidelines laid out here. People spread across the globe. They lived in places where they found, or could create the conditions for life. The people mainly fished in the sea, on land wetter part of the farm crops were above themselves. Adapted to the innate capabilities and to the extent necessary, they are transformed.
Prevailed, but this was the reason and tolerance.
Diligent work, real édenkertté turned into a God-given land, and they lived happily, quietly, peacefully.
The man is almost infinite adaptability. The Bushmen, can survive the dry desert, scorching heat of the Iluitok (Eskimos) in the eternal ice and frost realm.
Everyone found a place, and lived happily until he settled in the world, a devastating infection. This infection destroys the basis for the three pathogens. One for the money, the other for power, greed of the third, all three, separately, is able to destroy deadly, but if you are united, the certain death.
This merger of globalization.
First let's look at each, what they can do. Û
The money.
Just one example, because there are many, but it would be long to list them all.
The cod.
The coastal peoples, halászgattak peacefully. Survived so many fish in the sea as a "good heart" given. It even took me out as well that the colorful diet. The surplus is sold, the money collected from other necessary things.
Obtained in exchange for their fish as long as the things that were not voltage, and is not caught more fish than they needed. As money was given to the fish, immediately increased the demand for a larger catch. On an industrial scale began to filter the water. (This is not fishing) is growing well in enough, and in italics in the money.
Then I ran out of fish. This, say Island, has extended its territorial waters, and then drove the English ships. The British warships began to do so to ensure their fishing vessels. Pay attention to what happened! In addition to money from fishing. Persuaded the power to obtain more money, military power to act. (Tőkehalháború) The Island fishermen had no less than the greed of angolokénál. The thing ended with that Island, the withdrawal from NATO, and considering a military countermeasures. The only reason I became a murderer is not war, because relatively few people greed was the driving force. If you feel beautiful, according to their needs halászgatnak, the question does not arise.
Bekeményítés the Island, has preserved the possibility of exploitation. Sure was a great joy, the benefits, but the unscrupulous filtered water, completely destroyed the cod.
Neither was there, it's the price of greed. In the capital, knows no boundaries. In nothing does not matter, only the ever-increasing profits, and this is not sustainable.
The power
The power, though always in the taxpayer's money based on the common people, they usually engage in the service of capital. It is the discretion of those in power, makes it or not, but when the power actors define the common people, only a choice between the candidates, whom the capital under control. This is the last Hungarian elections, the nation's face is clearly cut. Hungarian electorate to vote for anyone, not just the Jobbik. And a significant part of the Hungarians, birkaként obeyed. Two-thirds voted in favor. Now you can enjoy. There is no accountability, cooperation agreement, gendarmerie EU law, counter-terrorism police force, IMF-controlled National Bank, a brutal penalty for everything there is. This is a two-thirds, it does not appear in the two-thirds of which felemelhetné the country.
That the British soldiers killed odadobná power without thinking of the interests of capital, we have seen the tőkehalháborúban. The Hungarian authorities, as well as English, without thinking to sacrifice soldiers to the force of the support, which will WikiLeaksz evidence suggests that, like rabbits, hunt for Iraqi people. Armor-piercing projectiles, civilians, children and journalists.
And this is already ten years ago, makes its own people is misleading.
If the elections managed to deceive the people, from the moment the state does not represent the megválasztóit. Wide berth to the public safety, support, and even suggests the average person plundering. If you are dissatisfied with the electorate, one which says, you can go to the other, that there is the counter-terrorism, or the EU police force, then the sheep in order to take the lunatic fringe. This is power.
This, unfortunately, an ancient instinct. Basically the survival instinct of the reservation. Millennia, civilizations must be disciplined to live, learn who this would tend to slow
maintained. Unfortunately, the average society as soon as they emerge, this ösztönüket who, unable to curb. In today's zeitgeist, specifically encouraging the beneficiaries of these people. Emerge slowly forgotten the true values, and appreciate that everyone is, as far as the kapzsiságából, took gátlástalanságából they were money, he could take up. This is carried out by the greed of capitalism kontraszelekcióját.
When this layer kontraszelektált appropriate money gets appropriated and tentacles to encompass the power of the globalism. In this, no inhibition is not working. The buck will override everything, be it environment, human life or national interests. It is fortunate that there are traditions of peoples who still know what the community, our nation, and what to do so.
The globalism.
When money, greed and power are intertwined, and globalizmusként works of fiction, almost improbable things can cultivate.
How, we will Hungarians legbeszédesebben own past twenty years as measured by our country. Those events, only base game, in which hundreds, or hundreds of years of history, industrial centers, huge gyárvárosokat eliminated. False promises of future prosperity, artificially generated claims, costly investments, buy a car, house building into it the people will elbocsájtják. Impossible for people / families, unable to perform, under other circumstances, earlier commitments.
This, as breach of contract, fraudulent legal basis to the people / family, while saving the life and work, our results can take away. Particularly smoothly and easily organize these things, if the money, the legislature, and the implementation of the jurisprudence, and concentrated in one hand.
Now appeal to the nation's citizens, destitute homeless. Not to lose. This is a dangerous psychological and strategic situation. This treatment created a counter-terrorism, security forces and other forces. This polgárellenes armed forces seem to security. The thought behind the safety of globalization continues, the further looting of the inner circles outside, even human rights personalities, the final elimination.
In this endeavor, infinitely resourceful. Aljasságához all excellent explanation. In most cases, it appears that listings that measures the public's interest and in fact every action, even in the relative safety of citizens living material, to serve the economic bleeding.
Those citizens who are not a globalist factory workers who are victims of destruction. but also smaller, but the globalist circles outside the factories, farms owners, or employees, or a large territorial units, Global leaders and workers, the relative safety and freedom of all the room for maneuver, and can not be identified minded people. These should be restricted to the margin, the elimination, because if the forces kisemmizettekkel, wipe out a trace, global plans.
This layer undermine the excellent opportunity to give a "green" thinking, and hisztériakeltés. The Hungarian voters, political party swept scene, not accidentally dressed in green clothes, and then the politics will continue, despite the protests of all the people of the country. In fact, some people, it was not a chameleon change colors, and nature-like company, supported by sincere faith, leggyilkosabb opponents.
What are "green" ideas, destructive devices?
• The kilecven been rapidly expanding, and increasing parking fees. This is advertised to the people, explained that the city air is contaminated, it must be protected from unnecessary pollution, and money, the cost can Keep away from the "tourists" from the city. This is a serious lie. Partly because the requirements légtisztasági Budapest, much stricter in Europe elterjedteknél, partly because the parking fees will not change anything in the city traffic. Who is a tourist, you want to see the city, can explore without having to pay a dime for parking. If you decide to stop for a coffee, a lunch, then this cost anything no matter the price of lunch next. However, high-pénzelvonási revenue opportunities, some private firms, local authorities recently. It is natural that the revenue is not the first goal, but the removal of money. If the real goal would be to reduce urban traffic, they are the agencies that are citizens of a connection with their cases be dealt, even several times to look up, the shops, like supermarket chains, putting in a large empty areas, free parking and an adequate number of employees. This is not the case. A lie out of the Lola. A lot of people who forced the agencies to act, without exception, is removed.
• Is the situation better, not about the recovery permits. Here lies the reason for the trucks to eliminate the side streets to frisk, to reduce truck traffic. I have never seen such things. Generally, the trucks, where space odaszállítják the necessary goods, is dumped as soon as possible, and the shortest route will disappear from the surroundings. However, a lot of people who deal with transport, all go into an office, pay the parking lot of money, a good case, the recovery fee, and get the félcédulát. Worse, the next day only to have it be a parking fejelve the pulling. Clever! Is not it?
• Not better, the all-clear, or more precisely, due to air pollution with traffic regulations either. Kölked who is our dog, so globalist circles within the "flying", it is usually collected parking fees, or other similar revenue slipped, the latest Ferrari or any other expensive brand entails. They almost never prohibit off. But a poor provider, who has no money like that, because taxes have already been taken off him, you come in my room painting, or other eszközömet gázkészülékemet to fix it, you do not come to the old jószágával. Sure, the money comes in, because they desperately need it. Then it can strike the rigor of the law, and punish it, for a week touring the city, by the time the search for truth punishment. One could say this, what was it? The money, the poor, because the child is under the ban to be bread.
• The Green pénzbánya inexhaustible. You are right in the ragweed. I wrote earlier in the curative effect, and about the nature of the fallow (set-aside) land works right away, kivédhetetlenül, but when the crop is in the area immediately disappears. Again, no revenue is the primary objective, and not the real cause of the allergy. The fact that the pollen is bothering the big orrokat, an excessive immune response. Minor genetic defect. But all this pollen triggers, trigger. The real goal here is the removal of the cash generating capacity of the economy, and all those whom he may be. A farmer plowing the unnecessary costs of unintentional, or a fine of up to szélütötten high. "It is important to statuálás" (The witness film) on the withdrawal. (I think) I know a homeowner who is the woman's house before the moat ample three thread parlagfűért, paid forty thousand HUF. These are plants grown under a 13 333, 33 Ft marihuánáért This is also a lot of it.
• Are the Greens is an indirect method of destruction. Do not even have to go far, only the island. Its time to shed crocodile tájért, lest the Nagymaros hydroelectric megépüljön. Then he turned to the mantle. Just yesterday morning I saw the consequences. Fifteen years ago, sobbing, it was found that this region, the beavers disappeared. It soon acquired a few pairs, and betelepítették. But since installed native species, so too was declared a protected right away. I have since proliferated to művelhetetlen slowly, so the area will be helpless. The problem is not new! Kéményeinkről destroyed by the
Storks, as it is digested by our
A waste. Nice földeinkből
Hunting circles are doing, and the-
Where are we not free to enter.
And if a patient's wife or a poor
Himlős kid longing, devastating
A poor pigeons, moored at once,
And hundreds of thousands who rob,
Judge will be to whom the
Necessary, forced to steal pennies ...
I can take without war, because
Since I paid for the Jews met; a-
Who is actually perhaps not even
Embernyúzóknak could be called
Skinning kivántatik skin, although
The seeds are stripped merániak
Csontjainkról already, so they
Meat forced incised -
It is true that the metéltetett yell, but
Since I do not need to listen, just
To benefit. - And the midwife -?...
Katona József
Bank Ban
Five-stage drama
Tiborc complaint details.
Only now and only here, only the Greens and tell why the extinction of beavers in the area. The so happened that the owner rejected the búzáját autumn, looking at how you live, comes to development. One morning, went out and saw that the beavers beledöntöttek some trees next to the land of the riverbed. Coast swing! He thought and went home. I saw the other morning he went out to the water, surely the flooded land.
Gosh! This will not be so good! - He thought and he went home again. Could not stay on site because of flooded-sowing highly offended. Feltarisznyált day or two and then went back to the culprit meglesse. It is also not seen a lot, and slammed it in a dry szőlőkaróval fültövön that more wood to chew. Then he brought the two good horses, tools, istránggal, a piece of rope. Concluded the individual strains, and kihúzatta the shore. Felvágta, felpakolta in his car and took him home for winter firewood. From then vigilantly watched, and when he saw one of the genus fadöntő, immediately after being sent to relatives. The Beavers could not take this training, I prefer extinct.
26. And God said, Let us make man
which image and likeness, and
rule the fish from the sea, the birds of heaven,
the cattle, over all the earth
creeping on the ground and all kinds of animals
Bible: Genesis
Then the "good" greens, replacing God's command, terminated the reign, and relocated to the hódokat. Now, one can ötvenezerért agyoncsapni as a protected animal. Oh, what the Hungarian farmer is so much excess money that you do this? Now only a question of when it will be protected again, the Hungarian people in Hungary? I think soon.
Laszlo Bela