Új hang a magyar közéletben?
Régi új hang.
Az igazság, a nemzet felemelkedése, a becsület és tisztesség elve, rég óta keresi az utat magának Magyarországon. Ezt sokan, sokféleképpen látják. Van, aki nemzeti önvédelemnek, van, aki nacionalizmusnak, van, aki antiszemitizmusnak, van. aki rasszizmusnak, van aki fasizmusnak, és van, aki egyszerűen rebelliónak, évszázados „magyar lázadásnak” látja. Az, hogy ki, minek, elsődlegesen, a véleményalkotók nézőpontjától függ. Akit, a hatalomváltás tönkretett, (és ez a legnagyobb rész), az jogos önvédelemnek. Akik ellopott magyar területeket birtokolnak, azok veszélyes nacionalizmusnak. Akik ebbe a romlásba tuszkolták az országot, és okkal féltik az orosz fegyverek csövén lovagolva kialakított, és az idők során, át-meg átmentett hatalmukat, azok antiszemitizmusnak.
Akik hatalom nélkül, de a hatalom támogatása mellett, a nyakunkon élnek, megélhetési okból szaporodnak, a kettős mérce védelmében bűnöznek, azok rasszizmusnak. Akik a világtörténelem, eddig ismert legfasisztább hatalmát valósítják meg, megszégyenítve Hitlert és minden segítőjét, és többmilliós koncentrációs (megsemmisítő) tábort tartanak fent, azok fasisztának. Akik, még mindig a monarchia által nyújtott hajdani teljhatalom csipkerózsika álmát alusszák, azok egyszerűen rebelliónak, magyar hőzöngésnek.
Szerintem kézenfekvő tény, hogy a szülőhazájában, minden embernek elidegeníthetetlen joga, hogy becsületes munkájából, gondtalanul megéljen.
Ezt, az utóbbi húsz év történései, durván megsértették. Történt mindez a magyarság tudtával, és beleegyezésével. A legutóbbi választások során, a napnál is világosabban tudtunkra adták, hogy bárkire szabad szavaznunk, csak a Jobbikra nem. Ez, az egyértelmű közlés mutatott rá, hogy változást, csak a Jobbiktól várhattunk volna. Aki tehát változást akart, az elment szavazni, és a Jobbikra szavazott.
Sajnálatos vesztesség az országnak, hogy akkor még, a magyarok jelentős része, nem akart változást. Nem tudom, az azóta eltelt idő, és a közben történt változások, (Izraellel kötött együttműködési paktum, idegen rendőrök törvényesítése Magyarországon) változtattak e, a magyarok gondolkodásán.
Vona Gábornak, a Jobbik elnökének évadnyitó beszéde, minden esetre elgondolkodtatott.
Mit mondott nekem ez a beszéd, a magyarság védelméről?
Röviden, érthetően, és logikusan felvázolta, mit tehetne a kormány, ha valóban a magyarság érdekeit, és nem a bankok, további nemzetfosztogatását szolgálná.
Hogy a dolgokat, súlyukon értelmezhessük, kicsit vissza kell mennünk.
A nyolcvan dolláros időszakban a magyar, egy bankhoz fordulhatott kölcsönért.
Ez a bank, jelentéktelen kamatra, és leginkább lakásépítésre adott jelentős kölcsönt, azt is szigorúan ellenőrzött felhasználás kikötésével. A biztos munkahelyén dolgozó ember, ezt a kölcsönt úgy fizette vissza, hogy jóformán meg sem érezte. Az ilyen körülményekhez szokott magyarságra szabadították rá, a rabló bankokat. Hogy ezt megtehessék, egy „rendszerváltást” kellett hazudniuk, hogy az árva nép, gyanút ne fogjon. A jelzálog rendszert, és annak súlyos következményeit hírből sem ismerő magyarság, örömmel fellélegezve vetette bele magát a nagy életbe. Az addigra már ellehetetlenített, de rövidesen jobb lehetőségek ígéretével elbolondított családok, a nehéz idők túlélésére, a még talpon lévők, az életszínvonaluk emelésére, hiteleket használtak fel.
Nem törődtek az apró betűs részekkel. Mivel akkor még nem volt köztudott, hogy a magyar ipart, és mezőgazdaságot lenullázzák. Balgán azt hitték, módjuk lesz a hitel törlesztésére. Később lopták el, és pusztították el alóluk a munkahelyeket. Ma, közel egymillió családot fenyeget a kilakoltatás.
Vona Gábor, érdekes dolgot vetett fel. Azt mondta, fontos lenne az eladósodott magyar családok adóságát államosítani. Ez, épp szembe menne a korábbi gyakorlattal, amikor is a profitot privatizálták, a bankok vesztességeit államosították. (feltőkésítés, az adófizetők pénzéből)
Köztudott, hogy a kormány, azzal, hogy megszűntette az IMF által korábban kierőszakolt magánnyugdíj pénztárakat, dugót tett egy pénzszivattyú vezetékébe. A hiba csak ott van, hogy az így megszerzett pénzt, az államadóság csökkentésére fordítja. Ebből a pénzből lehetne államosítani, a magyar családok adóságát.
Vannak, olyan szerény képességű emberek, akik felteszik a kérdést, milyen alapon részesítené bárki előnyben, a könnyelműségüknek áldozatul esett családokat.
Ahhoz, hogy erre a kérdésre emberséges választ adhassunk, előbb arra a kérdésre kell őszinte választ adnunk, miből keletkezett az államadósság.
Az, hogy iparunk és mezőgazdaságunk értékes üzemei idegen kézbe kerültek, eladták, az nemzeti jövedelmet, pénztartalék képződését kellett, hogy eredményezze. Nem tette, mert ezt, részben meg sem kapták, (1 forintért eladott milliárdos gyárak) más részét gátlástalanul ellopták. Ez még mindig csak nullszaldós eredmény. Az adósság, a „nagy emberek” további gátlástalan kopásaiból növekedett. Nem azokéból, akik közül néhányat, ma vezetőszáron vezetgetnek, mint a medvetáncoltatók a fenevadakat, mert ezek, csak untermannok, akikkel a nép szemét akarják bekötni. Az igazi tolvajok röhögve szemlélik, mint szívják a kicsik a helyzet rosszabbik részét.
Végül is világos, hogy az államadósságot nem a kisemberek hozták létre.
A privát adósságokat, azt igen. Csakhogy! Ameddig az államadósságok törlesztése, a fosztogató bankok haszna, és ebből az „elkövetőktől”, az államadósságot létrehozóktól, reménytelennek tűnik bármennyit is visszaszerezni, addig a magánadósságok „elkövetői” továbbra is felelősek lennének tettükért, fizetnék az államnak a részleteket. A pénz, ha lassan is, visszafolyna a közösbe, mindössze a bankokat fosztaná meg, újabb többmilliárdos extraprofittól, és egymillió magyar családot mentene meg, a hajléktalanság rémétől.
Ami megbocsáthatatlan, hogy a kormánynak ez eszébe sem jutott. Ezt a gondolkodásmódot nem ismeri, nem akarja ismerni, de leginkább nem ismerheti, mert hűbéruraitól, nem kapott rá lehetőséget…
Béla László
New voice in Hungarian public life?
New old sound.
The truth is, the rise of the nation, the principle of honesty and integrity, since a long time searching for a way for himself in Hungary. So many, many ways to see it. , Who is national self-defense, is a nationalism, who is anti-Semitism, there is. his racism, fascism is who, and some who simply rebelliónak centuries-old "Hungarian rebellion" sees. The who, what, primarily, depends on the standpoint of véleményalkotók. Whom the Regime destroyed, (and this is the biggest part), the legitimate self-defense. Hungarian territory, held by those who have been stolen, they are dangerous nationalism. Who pushed the country into a ruin, and has reason to fear the Russian weapons designed for pipe riding, and over time, across-the salvaged their power, their anti-Semitism.
Who are without power, but the power of support, upon us to live, grow subsistence reasons, the double standards to protect criminals, their racism. Who have a history of the world, known legfasisztább power carried out by Hitler and humiliated every assistant, and a multimillion concentration (extermination) camps maintain their fascist. Who are still full powers of the monarchy by former dream sleeping beauty sleep, they simply rebelliónak, Hungarian hőzöngésnek.
I think an obvious fact that his native country, all people have the inalienable right to honest work, free from care survive.
This, the events of the last twenty years, roughly violated. This happened with the knowledge of the Hungarians, and consent. The most recent elections, the crystal was clearly us know that anyone should vote for, not only for Jobbik. It is clear communication pointed out that change, only the Jobbiktól could have expected. So who wants change, he went to vote and voted for Jobbik.
Losses and unfortunate for the country that is still a significant part of the Hungarians did not want to change. I do not know the time has since elapsed, and during the changes, (co-operation pact with Israel, legalization of foreign police officers in Hungary) of this change, the Hungarian thought.
Gabor Vona, President of the Jobbik season opening speech, in any case makes me wonder.
What he said to me, this speech, the protection of the Hungarians?
In short, understandable, and logically outlined what the government could do, if indeed the interests of the Hungarians, and not the banks, further nemzetfosztogatását serve.
To do things, interpreting their weight, we need to go back a bit.
The eighty dollars during the Hungarian fordulhatott a bank loan.
This bank, the interest is insignificant, and the most significant housing loan, it is also strictly controlled use clauses. The people working in certain job, so that the loan is repaid, it almost does not even feel it. Hungarians used to such conditions released him, the robber banks. To do so, a "regime change" had to lie to the poor people, do not shake suspicions. The mortgage system, and its serious consequences of the Hungarian news items out of not knowing, we are pleased brightly threw himself into a great life. Will have the ellehetetlenített, but soon the promise of better opportunities elbolondított families survive the hard times, people are still standing, lifting the standard of living, loans were used.
Do not care about the fine print sections. Since it was not yet known to the Hungarian industry, agriculture and reset. Fools have believed a position to repay the loan. Subsequently stolen, and destroyed from the jobs. Today, nearly one million families threatened with eviction.
Gabor Vona, has raised an interesting thing. He said it would be indebted to the families of Hungarian nationalize debts. This is just to go against previous practice, when it privatized the profits, the banks were nationalized vesztességeit. (Recapitalization, the taxpayers)
It is well known that the government, that abolished the IMF had forced private pension insurance funds, made a plug pénzszivattyú pipe. The only problem there is that the money thus obtained, the debt reduction translates. This money could be nationalized, the Hungarian families with debts.
There are a small caliber people who ask the question, on what basis anyone can receive as favoring the könnyelműségüknek victims families.
In order to respond to this question is a humane, just to give an honest answer to the question of what created the debt.
The fact that valuable industrial and agricultural holdings were in foreign hands, is sold, the national income, the formation of money that was supposed to lead. Did not, because this part does not even received, (1 billion forints sold factories) to other parts unscrupulously stolen. This is still only break even result. The debt of the "big people" unscrupulous kopásaiból further increased. Azokéból not, some of whom, today vezetgetnek lunge, as the bear-leader of the beasts because they are only untermannok, eyes of the people with whom they want to be connected. Röhögve the real thieves are viewed as the little sucked the situation worse part.
Finally, it is clear that the debt is not the little people was established.
The private debt, it does. But! As long as the debt repayment, the marauding banks benefit, and therefore the perpetrators, the public debt létrehozóktól, can recover no matter how much it seems hopeless, until the magánadósságok "criminals" would remain responsible for tettükért, would be paid to the state for more details. The money, if slowly, visszafolyna the joint, only to deprive the banks, a new multi-billion extraprofittól, and save one million Hungarian families, the homeless rémétől.
Which is unforgivable that the government, it had never occurred. This mindset does not know, you do not want to know, but most do not know, because hűbéruraitól, he was given no opportunity to ...
Laszlo Bela
New voice in Hungarian public life?
New old sound.
The truth is, the rise of the nation, the principle of honesty and integrity, since a long time searching for a way for himself in Hungary. So many, many ways to see it. , Who is national self-defense, is a nationalism, who is anti-Semitism, there is. his racism, fascism is who, and some who simply rebelliónak centuries-old "Hungarian rebellion" sees. The who, what, primarily, depends on the standpoint of véleményalkotók. Whom the Regime destroyed, (and this is the biggest part), the legitimate self-defense. Hungarian territory, held by those who have been stolen, they are dangerous nationalism. Who pushed the country into a ruin, and has reason to fear the Russian weapons designed for pipe riding, and over time, across-the salvaged their power, their anti-Semitism.
Who are without power, but the power of support, upon us to live, grow subsistence reasons, the double standards to protect criminals, their racism. Who have a history of the world, known legfasisztább power carried out by Hitler and humiliated every assistant, and a multimillion concentration (extermination) camps maintain their fascist. Who are still full powers of the monarchy by former dream sleeping beauty sleep, they simply rebelliónak, Hungarian hőzöngésnek.
I think an obvious fact that his native country, all people have the inalienable right to honest work, free from care survive.
This, the events of the last twenty years, roughly violated. This happened with the knowledge of the Hungarians, and consent. The most recent elections, the crystal was clearly us know that anyone should vote for, not only for Jobbik. It is clear communication pointed out that change, only the Jobbiktól could have expected. So who wants change, he went to vote and voted for Jobbik.
Losses and unfortunate for the country that is still a significant part of the Hungarians did not want to change. I do not know the time has since elapsed, and during the changes, (co-operation pact with Israel, legalization of foreign police officers in Hungary) of this change, the Hungarian thought.
Gabor Vona, President of the Jobbik season opening speech, in any case makes me wonder.
What he said to me, this speech, the protection of the Hungarians?
In short, understandable, and logically outlined what the government could do, if indeed the interests of the Hungarians, and not the banks, further nemzetfosztogatását serve.
To do things, interpreting their weight, we need to go back a bit.
The eighty dollars during the Hungarian fordulhatott a bank loan.
This bank, the interest is insignificant, and the most significant housing loan, it is also strictly controlled use clauses. The people working in certain job, so that the loan is repaid, it almost does not even feel it. Hungarians used to such conditions released him, the robber banks. To do so, a "regime change" had to lie to the poor people, do not shake suspicions. The mortgage system, and its serious consequences of the Hungarian news items out of not knowing, we are pleased brightly threw himself into a great life. Will have the ellehetetlenített, but soon the promise of better opportunities elbolondított families survive the hard times, people are still standing, lifting the standard of living, loans were used.
Do not care about the fine print sections. Since it was not yet known to the Hungarian industry, agriculture and reset. Fools have believed a position to repay the loan. Subsequently stolen, and destroyed from the jobs. Today, nearly one million families threatened with eviction.
Gabor Vona, has raised an interesting thing. He said it would be indebted to the families of Hungarian nationalize debts. This is just to go against previous practice, when it privatized the profits, the banks were nationalized vesztességeit. (Recapitalization, the taxpayers)
It is well known that the government, that abolished the IMF had forced private pension insurance funds, made a plug pénzszivattyú pipe. The only problem there is that the money thus obtained, the debt reduction translates. This money could be nationalized, the Hungarian families with debts.
There are a small caliber people who ask the question, on what basis anyone can receive as favoring the könnyelműségüknek victims families.
In order to respond to this question is a humane, just to give an honest answer to the question of what created the debt.
The fact that valuable industrial and agricultural holdings were in foreign hands, is sold, the national income, the formation of money that was supposed to lead. Did not, because this part does not even received, (1 billion forints sold factories) to other parts unscrupulously stolen. This is still only break even result. The debt of the "big people" unscrupulous kopásaiból further increased. Azokéból not, some of whom, today vezetgetnek lunge, as the bear-leader of the beasts because they are only untermannok, eyes of the people with whom they want to be connected. Röhögve the real thieves are viewed as the little sucked the situation worse part.
Finally, it is clear that the debt is not the little people was established.
The private debt, it does. But! As long as the debt repayment, the marauding banks benefit, and therefore the perpetrators, the public debt létrehozóktól, can recover no matter how much it seems hopeless, until the magánadósságok "criminals" would remain responsible for tettükért, would be paid to the state for more details. The money, if slowly, visszafolyna the joint, only to deprive the banks, a new multi-billion extraprofittól, and save one million Hungarian families, the homeless rémétől.
Which is unforgivable that the government, it had never occurred. This mindset does not know, you do not want to know, but most do not know, because hűbéruraitól, he was given no opportunity to ...
Laszlo Bela
New voice in Hungarian public life?
New old sound.
The truth is, the rise of the nation, the principle of honesty and integrity, since a long time searching for a way for himself in Hungary. So many, many ways to see it. , Who is national self-defense, is a nationalism, who is anti-Semitism, there is. his racism, fascism is who, and some who simply rebelliónak centuries-old "Hungarian rebellion" sees. The who, what, primarily, depends on the standpoint of véleményalkotók. Whom the Regime destroyed, (and this is the biggest part), the legitimate self-defense. Hungarian territory, held by those who have been stolen, they are dangerous nationalism. Who pushed the country into a ruin, and has reason to fear the Russian weapons designed for pipe riding, and over time, across-the salvaged their power, their anti-Semitism.
Who are without power, but the power of support, upon us to live, grow subsistence reasons, the double standards to protect criminals, their racism. Who have a history of the world, known legfasisztább power carried out by Hitler and humiliated every assistant, and a multimillion concentration (extermination) camps maintain their fascist. Who are still full powers of the monarchy by former dream sleeping beauty sleep, they simply rebelliónak, Hungarian hőzöngésnek.
I think an obvious fact that his native country, all people have the inalienable right to honest work, free from care survive.
This, the events of the last twenty years, roughly violated. This happened with the knowledge of the Hungarians, and consent. The most recent elections, the crystal was clearly us know that anyone should vote for, not only for Jobbik. It is clear communication pointed out that change, only the Jobbiktól could have expected. So who wants change, he went to vote and voted for Jobbik.
Losses and unfortunate for the country that is still a significant part of the Hungarians did not want to change. I do not know the time has since elapsed, and during the changes, (co-operation pact with Israel, legalization of foreign police officers in Hungary) of this change, the Hungarian thought.
Gabor Vona, President of the Jobbik season opening speech, in any case makes me wonder.
What he said to me, this speech, the protection of the Hungarians?
In short, understandable, and logically outlined what the government could do, if indeed the interests of the Hungarians, and not the banks, further nemzetfosztogatását serve.
To do things, interpreting their weight, we need to go back a bit.
The eighty dollars during the Hungarian fordulhatott a bank loan.
This bank, the interest is insignificant, and the most significant housing loan, it is also strictly controlled use clauses. The people working in certain job, so that the loan is repaid, it almost does not even feel it. Hungarians used to such conditions released him, the robber banks. To do so, a "regime change" had to lie to the poor people, do not shake suspicions. The mortgage system, and its serious consequences of the Hungarian news items out of not knowing, we are pleased brightly threw himself into a great life. Will have the ellehetetlenített, but soon the promise of better opportunities elbolondított families survive the hard times, people are still standing, lifting the standard of living, loans were used.
Do not care about the fine print sections. Since it was not yet known to the Hungarian industry, agriculture and reset. Fools have believed a position to repay the loan. Subsequently stolen, and destroyed from the jobs. Today, nearly one million families threatened with eviction.
Gabor Vona, has raised an interesting thing. He said it would be indebted to the families of Hungarian nationalize debts. This is just to go against previous practice, when it privatized the profits, the banks were nationalized vesztességeit. (Recapitalization, the taxpayers)
It is well known that the government, that abolished the IMF had forced private pension insurance funds, made a plug pénzszivattyú pipe. The only problem there is that the money thus obtained, the debt reduction translates. This money could be nationalized, the Hungarian families with debts.
There are a small caliber people who ask the question, on what basis anyone can receive as favoring the könnyelműségüknek victims families.
In order to respond to this question is a humane, just to give an honest answer to the question of what created the debt.
The fact that valuable industrial and agricultural holdings were in foreign hands, is sold, the national income, the formation of money that was supposed to lead. Did not, because this part does not even received, (1 billion forints sold factories) to other parts unscrupulously stolen. This is still only break even result. The debt of the "big people" unscrupulous kopásaiból further increased. Azokéból not, some of whom, today vezetgetnek lunge, as the bear-leader of the beasts because they are only untermannok, eyes of the people with whom they want to be connected. Röhögve the real thieves are viewed as the little sucked the situation worse part.
Finally, it is clear that the debt is not the little people was established.