1. | És látám, mikor a Bárány a pecsétekből egyet felnyitott, és hallám, hogy a négy lelkes állat közül egy monda, mintegy mennydörgésnek szavával: Jőjj és lásd. |
2. | És látám, és ímé egy fehér ló, és a rajta ülőnél íjj vala; és adaték néki korona; és kijöve győzve, és hogy győzzön. |
3. | És mikor a második pecsétet felnyitotta, hallám, hogy a második lelkes állat ezt mondá: Jőjj és lásd. |
4. | És előjőve egy másik, veres ló, és a ki azon üle, megadaték annak, hogy a békességet elvegye a földről, és hogy az emberek egymást öljék; és adaték annak egy nagy kard. |
5. | És mikor felnyitotta a harmadik pecsétet, hallám, hogy a harmadik lelkes állat mondá: Jőjj és lásd. Látám azért, és ímé egy fekete ló; és annak, a ki azon üle, egy mérleg vala kezében. |
6. | És hallék a négy lelkes állat közt szózatot, a mely ezt mondja vala: A búzának mérczéje egy dénár, és az árpának három mérczéje egy dénár; de a bort és az olajt ne bántsd. |
7. | És mikor felnyitotta a negyedik pecsétet, hallám a negyedik lelkes állat szavát, a mely ezt mondja vala: Jőjj és lásd. |
8. | És látám, és ímé egy sárgaszínű ló; és a ki rajta üle, annak a neve halál, és a pokol követi vala azt; és adaték azoknak hatalom a földnek negyedrészén, hogy öljenek fegyverrel és éhséggel és halállal és a földnek fenevadai által. |
9. | És mikor felnyitotta az ötödik pecsétet, látám az oltár alatt azoknak lelkeit, a kik megölettek az Istennek beszédéért és a bizonyságtételért, a melyet kaptak. |
10. | És kiáltának nagy szóval, mondván: Uram, te szent és igaz, meddig nem ítélsz még, és nem állasz bosszút a mi vérünkért azokon, a kik a földön laknak? |
11. | Akkor adatának azoknak egyenként fehér ruhák; és mondaték nékik, hogy még egy kevés ideig nyugodjanak, a míg beteljesedik mind az ő szolgatársaiknak, mind az ő atyjokfiainak száma, a kiknek meg kell öletniök, a mint ők is megölettek. |
12. | Azután látám, mikor a hatodik pecsétet felnyitotta, és ímé nagy földindulás lőn, és a nap feketévé lőn mint a szőrzsák, és a hold egészen olyan lőn, mint a vér; |
13. | És az ég csillagai a földre hullának, miképen a fügefa hullatja éretlen gyümölcseit, mikor nagy szél rázza. |
14. | És az ég eltakarodék, mint mikor a papírtekercset összegöngyölítik; és minden hegy és sziget helyéből elmozdíttaték. |
15. | És a földnek királyai és a fejedelmek és a gazdagok és a vezérek és a hatalmasak, és minden szolga és minden szabad, elrejték magokat a barlangokba és a hegyeknek kőszikláiba; |
16. | És mondának a hegyeknek és a kőszikláknak: Essetek mi reánk és rejtsetek el minket annak színe elől, a ki a királyiszékben ül, és a Bárány haragjától: |
17. | Mert eljött az ő haragjának ama nagy napja; és ki állhat meg? |
Already know the words to the liar, the fraudulent acts, issue
We know that the Bible? Well, not a hundred times tákolt, reinterpreted today's spending, but the Vizsoji Bible text, which he translated into Hungarian Karoly Gaspar.
May be important not only for religious purposes. The events are not incidental to the preparation. This is just a few lines, as if only the governments' promises would say: so he took the book of the angel's hand, and Megeve it, and my numbers as well as sweet as honey, and when I ate it, embittered in my stomach. And what is eaten. Ate first, then sokadszor, and now, hopefully the last time. And though it was sweet as honey, his embittered our stomachs.
Although not a simple situation of Hungarians now, that patience and perseverance to be. If you know the ancient history that has not been tampered with, there's no reason for concern. Taposhatnak not us.
The current transformation of the world, the Hungarians have a decisive role. just ask to be the oldest, what were the standards of the Hungarians at the time of their youth, or with his parents at the time of youth, and to understand the expectations of humanity. All you have to revive and re-apply, and there will be no problem. Will not be difficult, because in our genes carry the humane behavior, and today's sleaze, but he could be a very thin layer on it.
Leporolni quite a bit to be a Hungarian and an honest, proud man to go.
The God of the Hungarians was tested thoroughly, but we did not leave us, nor does it intend to. If you observe what is happening around us, the sooner we understand the symbols of the Bible as well.
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the pecsétekből, and I heard that one of the four beasts said, some words of thunder, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a white horse, and sat on it íjj well, and there was given unto him a crown came out and overpowered, and to conquer.
From this description it is not difficult to associate the Hungarians. And if you can see that the pace of the Hungarian open minds, researching the true things, and what is growing rapidly, I can see through the lies, and negative number, you can really get out of the white horse seems overpowered to win.
If you see that hair is from Israel to attack Iran, then we can understand the hidden contents of the second seal.
And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say: 'Come and see.
Debug and another red horse, and those who sat, is given to take peace from the earth, and that people are killing each other, and it was given a large sword.
And probably will use it. The Six Day War, presumptuously, you will be able nekiesni Iran, but also to driving ambition, and honest with the people behind them.
Probably will be fighting. Probably also victims. But in Vietnam, and learning from failures in Iraq, America would not intervene. You probably think you will, from what you cooked, eat heartily. Israel, every man and weapon, will not be sufficient, an aggressive attack outraged, well-armed against Persian mass, the numbers and sizes, not to mention.
There will be another world war. The consciousness of humanity has already passed this.
If the Israeli felszámolódnak efforts, there will be a force to implement. Other countries is not very typical. Who has studied the history. Who do not have the walk on his own path, and to fulfill your own destiny.
It would be nice if we would miss him, but if not, we defend ourselves if need be. I'd rather die in the Hungarian struggle, like hunger, but not now is the time, and hopefully will never come.
And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third beast said: 'Come and see. Because when I looked, and behold a black horse, and to him who sat for a balance in his hand.
And I heard a voice among the four beasts, the saying: The wheat mérczéje a denarius, and three of barley for a denarius mérczéje, but the wine and oil, do not hurt.
Peace is restored to the divine values. The black horse symbolized by darkness, and considering the rider, other sources also reported. Expected in the near future, a period when he stopped for a moment of life on earth. Everyone stops. stop the excavator buckets, stops the ball in the air and stop the pilot's hand on the joystick. This will not be any adverse consequences. Will turn a huge profit. During this moment, everybody understands his entire life. Good and bad actions, decisions taken and their results, is the last great warning. Then turn on the good side of evil, because a shot, bullet stopped in the air and then hitting the target, after that the willing, who is shot.
And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast, the saying: 'Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a sárgaszínű horse, and he who sat on it, in the name of death, and hell followed it well, and power was given unto them the fourth part of the earth, to kill sword and famine and death, and by the beasts of the earth.
And usurped powers, kill people, but they can only gonoszakat.
Those who are willing, ready and even murder. Amtikrisztus enter the scene. Miraculous powers, and lie to Jesus himself, while destroying and killing. Many others followed. Believe in the power, wonder miracles, and believe in him.
And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who were slain in the word of God and the testimony, which I have received.
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Lord, thy holy and true, how long have not you judge and avenge our blood is not állasz those who dwell on earth?
Then the data of each of those white suits, and sentences them to rest a little while, till all be fulfilled in his szolgatársaiknak and his atyjokfiainak number of whom must be öletniök, as they were slain.
Then take the place of the Pope the antichrist.
Will be over the killings.
Then I saw when the sixth seal is opened, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun turns black as it came to pass szőrzsák, and the moon until it came to pass that, as blood;
And the corpse of the stars of heaven to the earth, even as the shedding of immature fruits of fig trees, when a strong wind shakes.
And the heaven, as when rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out.
And the kings of the earth and the princes and the leaders and the rich and the mighty men, and every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the color of the front, sits on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb:
Because now is the great day of his wrath, and who shall stand?
Then, three days of darkness is upon the earth. No sun, no electricity, there will be no different. That is, many people will be aghast, but includes everyone can stay, because he sees what made a mistake and will no longer make mistakes. Israel has not.
Nobody can not stop without merit. So let us be worthy patience. collaboration. and by love. Then comes the earth, a new létrendbe, another dimension, that will not rascality, just peace and love.
Laszlo Bela
1. És látám, mikor a Bárány a pecsétekből egyet felnyitott, és hallám, hogy a négy lelkes állat közül egy monda, mintegy mennydörgésnek szavával: Jőjj és lásd. 2. És látám, és ímé egy fehér ló, és a rajta ülőnél íjj vala; és adaték néki korona; és kijöve győzve, és hogy győzzön.