Ki a felelős akkor? Netán az egész emberiség? Nem, hanem a „templomi arisztokrácia”, amely féltette hatalmát a „zsidók királyától”. Igaz – mutat rá Benedek –, János evangéliumában fehéren-feketén ott áll, hogy a „zsidók” gyilkolták meg Jézust, “azonban ez a kifejezés semmiképpen sem vonatkozik – mint ahogy a mai olvasó feltételezné – Izrael népére általában, és még kevésbé tekinthető rasszista kitételnek”. „János maga is zsidó volt, miképp Jézus és követői is azok voltak”, mi több, „az egész korai keresztény közösség zsidókból állt” - kedveskedik a „választott nép” fiainak a pápa.
Tehát a helyzet tömören összefoglalva a következő.
A kettős mérce nem mai találmány, csak bizonyos szinten, és bizonyos személyektől, még nagyon vadul hangzik. Bízzunk Istenben, hogy hamarosan tiszta vizet önt a pohárba, mindenkinek a megfelelő időben, és érdemei szerint.
Béla László
The pope's latest idea: do not have to seek reimbursement of the Jews, God's "whole" and replace them with
XVI. Benedict's book Jesus of Nazareth is now appearing in the second volume clearly states that the Jews collectively are not considered guilty of the death of Jesus Christ. The Pope's position is not new, since the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) has already clearly exempted the Jews from the crucifixion of the Saviour from liability.
Who is responsible then? Perhaps the whole of humanity? No, but a "temple aristocracy", which is worried about the power of the "King of Jews". True - it shows Benedict - Saint John's Gospel there is black and white, that "the Jews" killed Jesus, "but this term does not apply - just as today's reader would assume - the people of Israel in general and even less considered racist criterion ". "John was a Jew himself, and how Jesus' followers as they were," What's more, "the whole Jewish community was an early Christian" - much kindness in the "chosen people" of the sons of the pope.
But the book also has other attractions. The Bible is not it that the "disciples of all nations do," but Pope Benedict believes that the requirement should not be longer taken literally. Specifically: a nation of which he is not free to seek reimbursement, that the Jewish people. Is reimbursed for his efforts in the past led to serious consequences - the view of the pope. "Israel is in the hands of God, who redeems and" whole "at the right time" - Benedict writes, adding that it is of course no way of knowing whether the "right time" when it comes out. The Pope, the position of wanting to give greater weight, approvingly cites the book of the Cistercian monk and theologian Hildegard Brem: "The Church does not have to worry about compensation for the Jews, but must wait until the appropriate time, as defined by God."
That the Christian churches, two thousand years, they tried to compensate the Jews? Jesus Christ called his followers to "all people" compensation? That Matthew's Gospel says that "the blood of our sons and us"? This is not what counts. Now the Bible and Christianity two thousand years alaptanításait can rewrite the Zionist interests are adequately represented. Completely unintelligible anyway, what exactly is the comment of Pope Benedict, that God is "wholly" and then redeem the Jewish people? Does this mean that everyone who is Jewish by birth, will automatically be saved? But two thousand years of Christianity it was taught just the opposite! So would have thrown himself to the Catholic Church as a result of Zionist pressure?
The Jews, of course, pleased with the new victory. Anti-Defamation League, called the Zionist entity "is an important historical moment," as the paper, which "will contribute to the interreligious dialogue." Elan Steinberg, the American Organization of Holocaust survivors and descendants vice president is "huge step" spoke, and the "anti-theological foundation of rejections" praised the Catholic Church.
Pope Benedict - like his predecessor, II. John Paul II - visited the Rome synagogue, he visited Israel, paid homage to the Holocaust religion is one of the main temple, the Yad Vashem Institute, in addition to distanced himself from the "heretic" Bishop Williamson, who dared to proclaim doubts about the Holocaust today, the current version of the authenticity of the story. Benoit is also to be megalázkodnia often dominating the Western world before the Zionists, because there are two major sins: one, that his youth was a member of the Hitler Youth and the other is that one of his books XII. Pope Pius (1939-1958) praised, indeed, did not shy away from beatification. But, as we all know, Jews do not like XII. Pius, because they think it has not done everything possible to save time of war.
So the situation succinctly summarized as follows.
1. The Christians under the pope should no longer seek reimbursement of the Jews, while Jews in the Holocaust but to all Christians must accept their religion. And, as shown in the case of Bishop Williamson, "anathema" to expect the one who doubts the Holocaust.
2. The Jews 'whole' saved without baptism should take, and should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I indicated here that this would be a revolutionary doctrine of the Catholic Church, where one would raise the official dogma. Other nations such privilege is not given out.
3. The Jews "collectively" is not responsible for the death of Jesus Christ, by contrast, however, the Germans and Hungarians, and even, in some ways, Christians in general and the Jewish people do not responsible for the "collective" of the Holocaust, which he should feel guilty about the end of time.
Here come the Catholic Church leadership ...
Perge Otto -
The double standard is not present invention, only a certain level, and certain individuals, yet it sounds very wildly. Trust in God it will soon have it out with him, everybody at the right time, and according to merit.
Laszlo Bela